First sleep over with Tyler

I am having my first sleep over with Tyler. The Swedish phrase of the day is”jag älskar dig” you say it ” ya elska day. It means I love you.

friends, something I like

flames at night

“Will,Will get up”said dad. I had not fallen asleep and it was around 9:40. There is a fire down the street he said. I went outside to  get a good look. Sure there it was. The whole house was on fire.The flames were as tall as the trees. Now it was 12:00 midnight.The fire trucks were still driving down and back from the fire! Ben slept through the whole thing. To bad he missed it. This morning we went to see what was left. Here is a picture of what we saw.

rare thinges


Tyler and I went for a hike to a plane wreck. At soccer practice I scored all three goals.

Will and Tyler at plane wreck

Will and Tyler at plane wreck



friends, games, sport

Microscope pictures

These pictures have been taken by a microscope.

DS up close

wood up close

bike glove up close

rock 1

rock1-high power


microscope, science


My favorite DS game is Pokémon,and Mario cart 7.

games, things I love, toys

Cape Cod

I went to Cape cod this week. I did a Easter egg hunt . Tyler came over. We played one just one game the whole day( make sure your jaw drops).

friends, states


I went to soccer practice. There was only one person I knew.


Great warriors

The two great warrior

Me and Shane played with swords and shields all day. We built two forts. Shane had a sleep over. We used bow and arrows. We named the forts four one and four two.


something I like, toys

My toy

20120331-170404.jpg. Pictured above is a creation that is not finished. It is part hero factory part

games, my creation, toys


I believe in dragons. Stephanie is the only other person I know that believes in

animals, dragons, things I love