If I had a dragon it would be gold*. I would name it jolt. He would be an electric dragon. His wing spans are 75 feet. He is75 feet long.
*read a practical guide to dragon riding for more info.
If I had a dragon it would be gold*. I would name it jolt. He would be an electric dragon. His wing spans are 75 feet. He is75 feet long.
*read a practical guide to dragon riding for more info.
Yesterday I got hungry shark evolution. It is fun.
You eat fish. You avoid jellyfish and bombs. I am not going to tell you any more.
If I was a super hero…
He would have wings. His name would be shadow. He could disappear into shadows and appear some where else. He could fly. He could change to fit the natural habitat. He could shape shift.
Never say Bloody Mary 3 times fast looking into a mirror at the stroke of midnight on Halloween eve or something terrible will happen and I refuse to tell you. Don’t even say it at midnight any day or you will get cursed.
A little boy walked down a street and suddenly…he died. Well not quite he was eaten. By a Monster. A big monster. Oh no it is eating people! Run it soon will get you. Ah it got me. Wait I am alive. In side the monster. Well I guess this is the end. (This is true). Wait a second I am alive and the boy is still there. I saw the boy do magic to scare it away no one remembered it except me and the boy. Just remember the monster is still after people who knows you could be its next meal.
Come back later for true scary story’s
In the club Liam and I went gone to dragon island. Liam got a silver dragon. I had gone to dragon island once before when I became a legend elf and got 3 dragons. You need a dragon to get to dragon island.
There is no school today. Today is Friday. I think I am going to my mom’s house. Yesterday Courtney said s’up means shut up. Spring vacation is coming soon. At dad’s we are going to ride on the boat. I don’t know what we are going to do with mom. I am going to try to be reader of the year because I won reader of the month with a ton of votes.
I made the “elvin club”. The members are Jack,Shane,Tyler,Liam,Cory,Zach Tyrone, and I. I am the leader of the club. It is the most successful club I have ever been in.
On Saturday I went to Max’s house. Max is Ben’s friend. We played a little with Nerf guns. We played skylander giants and lego batman 2 on the Xbox. After we left Ben went to Anthony’s(Ben’s friend)house. We watched lord of the rings the fellow ship of the ring.