I scream for icecream

(not really)


and for your information 1+1 does not equal 2. It equals

5364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609 witch = pi

new top 5 songs

  1. Counting Stars (One Republic )
  2. Top of The World ( Imagine Dragons )
  3. Timber ( Ke$ha )
  4. Team ( Lorde )
  5. Its Time ( Imagine Dragons )

friend day

today I had  Tyler over. we had a lot of fun. we played magic games. we ran away from Susanna (but she gave up quickly because we were a lot more fit). we played in the woods. we played in the river. that is about it…


This post is going to be about a lot of things

I can type really fast. I can’t touch type yet but I’m getting better.
Targa and tucker are so, so, so,so, so, so,so, so, so,so, so, so,so, so, so,so, so, so,so cute.
Dad is putting new oil in car. He also replaced the windshield wipers.
I like playing magic: the gathering. It is fun(duh why else would I like it).
I like Pokemon. It’s fun (You know what I’m going to say, so I’m not going to say it).
I like playing on the wii. My favorite game on it is Tron. (I’m writing so I can play on the wii)
It is raining out.


NAVSEA bring a child to work day

We went to submarine combat systems laboratories, propulsion test facility tour, mechanical design and prototype, harpoon and tomahawk missiles, and marine mammal biology. My favorite was the propulsion test facility. I got to command a missile launch. We didn’t really fire a missile but it was fun

fun stuff

High up





fun stuff

randome things

a cool picture(below). actually, that is the picture on the top off my web page


busy day

Yesterday  I cut my finger. I also burned my finger(the same hand). Michael came over. We had a bonfire. It was hot outside! We went biking((me, Justin, and Ben) i meant to have incorrect grammar for your information)

making lunch

making lunch

walking the baby

walking the baby

fire place

fire place



tao drumming concert

It was awesome. That is the only possible way to describe it. There was times when it was so loud I could feel it in my chest. Amazing. Truly. Just amazing.


Day off

Today we had a day off. We went to the store and picked up Tyler on the way back. Dad let us play on electronics for a while. Me and Ben played on the wii. Tyler played on my iPod. He played on Minecraft. Me and Ben played on Ben ten. It was a lot of fun. Then we went to Justin’s house. After 30 min we had to go home and Tyler had to leave.

friends, fun stuff, minecraft, video games