On Friday, we had to babysit Michael and George. Since Ben and Susanna were going to his school dance, that left me and dad to babysit. So after half an hour of babysitting, dad let me use Minecraft.
On Minecraft, I made a long mine cart trail through a village. It stopped at every house. I could do this because powered rails only work when a redstone current is sent to it. If there is no redstone current sent to it, it works as a brake. There are a couple of kinds of tracks. There is a wooden one, which i use to cut off redstone power to powered rails. Wooden rails are the only rails that can change the direction of the track. There is powered rails, that when powered, make you go very fast. Unpowered, they make brakes. There are activator rails, that when powered will kick players and mobs out of the minecart. And finally, there are detector rails, that when a minecart passes over them, they send a redstone signal.
I also built a tree house, by growing jungle trees on top of each other. You grow trees by placing a sapling on a grass block. To grow trees faster, you right click a few times on it with bone meal. Bone meal can also be used to grow plants. You just right click on the ground when holding bone meal.
I also have some pets. To keep them from getting out of the pen, make them sit down. Except for my cat. He follows me every where. Literately. He even followed me to my tree house. Apparently he can climb ladders. He even followed me three villages away, which is about a couple thousand blocks away, which is a couple days of walking. Only one day of flying. Which I did. It’s freaky!