Category Archives: things I love

Six flags 2 part 2

Yesterday we went to six flags. I went on the Bizarro once. I went on batman twice. I went on pandemonium once. I went on the buzzsaw once. [..]

fun stuff, things I love

Six flags 2 part 1

Today we are going to six flags. Ben is just 54 inches tall. Barely. The people that are going are Ben, Dad, Rebecca, and I. We have to [..]

fun stuff, things I love

My super hero

If I was a super hero… He would have wings. His name would be shadow. He could disappear into shadows and appear some where else. He could fly. [..]

super heros, things I love


We are going to get 2-3 feet of snow today. It will start snowing at least at 7:00. It started at 8:00. It feels like it is 0°f. [..]

partys, things I love

My favorite things in 2012

My favorite things in 2012 are going to Pensilvania, going to six flags, meeting a train driver, and going on water slides.

things I love

My favorite book

My favorite book is Harry Potter. It is about a boy named Harry Potter. He is a wizard. He goes to a school called Hogwarts. His best friend [..]

reading, things I love


My favorite DS game is Pokémon,and Mario cart 7.

games, things I love, toys


I believe in dragons. Stephanie is the only other person I know that believes in dragons.

animals, dragons, things I love

Shane’s party

I went to Shane’s party. He had two toy guns that sounded real and made smoke every time you shot. First we were at his mom’s house then [..]

friends, things I love


Shane is my best friend. I play ninjas with him.

friends, things I love