Category Archives: something cool

the trails

Yesterday and the day before, we made a bunch of trails through the brush. they were really cool. the trails took a long time to make and had [..]

fun stuff, long term things, something cool


Today we went sledding at the Ledyard middle school. There was a big hill. Everyone there were on it. The sleds from before us had made the whole [..]

fun stuff, places, something cool

Play loft upgrade

For Christmas Dad and Susanna renewed the play loft. They vacuumed the floor, put 3 couches in, put the T.V in there ( the old one ), put [..]

fun stuff, places, something cool

New York

We went to New York. Well… we are at New York. Well… at a hotel in Secaucus , New Jersey. We did go to New York though. We [..]


Pokemon cards

I collect Pokemon cards. My three strongest are Zekrome EX, mewtwo EX , and landerous EX. My favorite card is a plasma collres full card. My favorite Pokemon [..]

fun stuff, games, something cool, things I love, toys

My new room

something cool, Uncategorized

If I were a super hero

If I were a super hero I would be super man. I would fly around and watch for danger. I would be almost impossible to hurt me. I [..]

something cool


Today a man dug two trenches in our yard. My trombone lessons started yesterday. Yesterday we watched a movie about the constitution.

war zone