Monthly Archives: March 2014

Day off

Today we had a day off. We went to the store and picked up Tyler on the way back. Dad let us play on electronics for a while. [..]

friends, fun stuff, minecraft, video games


all from one night of rain.



the most boring thing ever WE GET IT ON FRIDAY!!! waste of time only reason I tolerate it is because I get 30 min. of electric time once [..]


magic 2

Today we went The Coliseum Games & Hobbies at 276 West Main Street, Norwich, Connecticut 06360. They sold Magic: the gathering cards. The guy showed us how to [..]

fun stuff, games, magic


Yesterday I got a card game called Magic: The Gathering . My strongest cards are Rumbling Baloth, Serra Angle, and Trollhide. It is a game for older kids [..]

fun stuff, games, magic


Last night we (Susanna, Ben, and I) played on our, well dad’s, server on Minecraft. We built a lot of cool things.   I made them. Ben tried [..]

minecraft, video games