chapter 2: void

Well now we have a mission…into the void.” said Tyler.

Lets go get our gear” Shane said.

I’ll get the dragons” I replied.”Liam sharpen the blades, Tyler get the saddles, and Shane, help me with the dragons.”

When we got to the stalls the dragons were very excited. My dragon, blade, sparked with energy.

well he is an energy dragon” I thought.

nice to see you” said a mysterious voice.

I jumped. Then I remembered that Blade and I had mind commutation. Then, remembering Blade I replied “nice to see you to”.

Shane and I got the saddles on the dragons. When we opened the gates, the dragons came bursting out and flew into the sky.

I guess we wont get help from them” Shane said.

No, they just needed to get some fresh air”I replied.

Soon enough they came back.

How did you know?” Shane asked.

I pointed at my head.

Mind commutation” I answered.

Cool” he said.

Then Tyler and Liam came.

We all got on our dragons.

5,4,3,2,1,GO” said Liam.

Last one there is a rotten egg” said Tyler

Bring it on” I replied.

Blade, go as fast as you can” I thought.

Get ready. Here I go.”he replied.

As soon as he said that we were speeding ahead. But the others thought of that to and we were all the same distance from the portal, which was about 100 miles ahead.

We’ve still got some tricks , right?” I thought.

Of course” came an answer.

Then give it all you got” I replied.

Hey, you look busy thinking there” said Liam, snickering.

Yeah, how did you know?” I said grinning ear to ear.

He stopped snickering almost immediately. Then I was gone. Not really though, I was just invisible.

I think I know who will be the first one there”said Liam.

I can’t guess” Shane said with so much sarcasm that we all laughed, including me, giving away my position.

to be continued 


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